Tag "blockchain"

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Is Polkadot “Ethereum killer” ? What is so great about it and why you should invest on it

Polkadot is a multi-chain protocol network that is used to connect various blockchains and link them into a single network. The Polkadot network makes cross-chain registries and computation conceivable in

What are NFTs? How can we easily explain? 

NFT means Non-Fungible Token; what is “non-fungible”? Non-fungible implies something unique and something that can’t be replaced with something else. For example, bitcoin is a fungible token, you can trade

Learn about cryptocurrencies and start changing your life

Cryptocurrencies — also called crypto — is a digitalized currency intended to function as a medium of trade. It utilizes cryptography to get and check transactions and control the making
Education Technology

Best Blockchain online courses with Certifications Updated 2021

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.  Malcolm X Blockchain technology is the future, if you are a tech enthusiast